Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2010 Election Primaries, things to watch.

This morning, I couldn't have been happier to read about Dr. Rand Paul winning the republican senate primary in Kentucky. This is a huge step for the tea-party movement that was founded by his father, the venerable congressman Ron Paul. If the Tea Party issued cards, then I would be a proud card-carrying-member.

Rand Paul is pretty much a clone of his father in terms of his political ideology. Both men have tirelessly waged a lonesome war against the fiscal insanity that is Washington D.C. It is truly heart warming to see that people are finally starting to join them. Not only has Rand Paul spoken very plainly about the debt challenges our nation faces, he has laid blame and criticism exactly where it belongs, with the Federal Reserve system. Yes, the utlimate enabler of Washington's irresponible profligacy for the last 5 decades is finally being called into question by someone with an I.Q. above room temperature. All I can say is, "It's about damn time!" I personally don't believe we have much time left before the Federal Reserve is done ruining the economy of our once great country. Ben Bernanke is already running the money printer's in overdrive to monetize the national debt, so we don't have much time left before our currency is rejected as the reserve currency of the world either. Hopefully, Rand Paul will win in November and offer a voice of fiscal restraint in the Senate that is sorely lacking.

There are alot more reason's why I support this man's candidacy, but because our nation's economic situation is so dire, I feel that the monetary and fiscal policies he brings to the table are the most relavant to public debate. Unfortunately, due to our pathetic & underachieving education system in this country (compared to what it used to be), most Americans are unable to recognize what type of economic policies are good for them. That is why the politcal discourse on this topic remains at such an elementary level. Nevertheless, if you have never heard of Austrian Economics, I suggest you take the time to educate yourself. You can gain a lot of knowledge at Or you can go to youtube and search "Ron Paul Fed", and you will gain some insight into why our economy is so jacked up. The clips where he is lecturing either Greenspan or Bernanke are most enjoyable for me.

Elsewhere in Politics, Arlen Specter was defeated in the Democrat primaries in Pennsylvania. This also made me extremely happy. This man should have been booted out of the political arena a long, long, time ago. In case you don't know about him, he is a career politician. Need I say more? Personally, I think he is a man who deserves to have his American citizenship revoked. He is someone who should be punched in the face and spit on by the constituents he represented.

Despite being a U.S. Senator for 30 years, he did not introduce or pass any meaningful piece of legislation. He is a spinless political coward who's inept leadershil ability was proven long before I was even born. Even with a crosswalk, he wouldn't be able to lead me across the street. He is the definition of poltical expediancy, a person who always cared more about playing the Washington power game than offering meaningful ideas. While it should come as no surprise that inside the Washington beltway he earned the title: "Lobbyist's best Friend" that title does offer an explanation as to why he listed in Time's 2006 as one of America's top 10 Senators. You know, TIME MAGAZINE, the same publication that named Ben Bernankee the person of the year in 2009? As a general rule, if you see anyone receiving accolades from TIME, you can normally rest assured the person in question is a giant douchebag. Anybody know who TIME's person of the year was in 2008? lol... Hint:(I was just in Israel and all the Israeli's think this person is a major douchebag)

But I digress, back to Arlen Specter, the man who managed to simultaneously change his views according to the prevailing poltical winds for three decades. In early 2009, seeking to gain favor with the Obama White House, Arlen unexpectedly (the mainstream media labeled it unexpected but only casual politcal observer's were surprised) switched to the Democratic party. He was one of only three republican senators to vote for Obama's already failed "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." Shortly after becoming a democrat, Specter called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which he "fervently" supported in 1996. I could go on on about all the issues Mr. Spector flip-flopped on over the course of his career, but the bottom line is that this man's presence in the halls of congress deserves nothing more than to be forgotten. And if his legacy of failure must somehow be remembered, let his legacy be remembered as an embarrassment and disgrace to our democracy. Good Riddance!

As good as it is to finally see this man taken down, the sad reality is that there is seemingly no one with noble or honest character readying themselves to take his place. The fact is that there will most likely be another Democratic Senator elected from Pennsylvania later this year. At best we can only hope for a marginal improvement. I would rather see a die hard liberal like the late Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota get elected in PA than the former Republican shape-shifter known as Arlen Specter. Yes, as dire and Pathetic as that sounds, it would be an improvement because a person who seemingly doesn't stand for anything is a dangerous cancer for a constitutional republic.

Finally, the Connecticut Primaries on both sides are very interesting as Christopher Dodd is not seeking re-election. If I lived in Connecticut, I would vote for Peter Schiff. Now there's a guy who could really ruffle some feathers in Washington... check him out if you don't know who this hard-core patriot is. It's too bad there is no longer a place for people like him in Washington...

Quote of the day:

"Foreigner's will not finance our excessive standard of living and our expensive war overseas indefinitely. It will end! What we do in the meantime to prepare for that day will make all the difference in the world for the future of freedom in this country. It's the future of freedom in this country that is truly the legitimate responsibility of us as Member's of Congress. Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it's realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy. A few have, and others continue to do so, but too many -both in and out of government- close their eyes to the issue of personal liberty and ignore the fact that endless borrowing to finance endless demands cannot be sustained. True prosperity can only come from a healthy economy and sound money. That can only be acheived by a free society."
-RON PAUL 7/10/03

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