Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rick Santelli Says "Stop Spending!"

Please watch the following video before reading any further:

Yet again, the only honest reporter on CNBC, Rick Santelli delivered a helpful serving of sanity to the openly communist Steve LIESman. For those of you who don't know who Steve LIESman is, he is the worst economist in the history of the world. Yes, he is worse than Paul Krugman, Larry summers, and even worse than Ben "Helicopter" Bernanke.

It seems every morning I turn I CNBC, there he is, defending the latest bank bailout or championing the newest stimulus initiative. By now it should be blatantly obious that all these govenment effort to levitate the economy have failed, and failed miserably. Yet, here is Steve LIESman again, telling us we need more stimulus, and more bailouts, and today he is unsurprisingly saying we need higher taxes! Now you know why I am constantly hoping someone will punch this guy in the face for me.

Exchanges like today between Rick Santelli and Steve LIESman are few and far between, so when they occur, we should celebrate them. Today, just for a moment, the truth rained in on LIESman's socialistic proganda parade over the national airwaves. I maintain the belief that LIESman needs to take his pathetic communist economic ideologies out of this country. They are not wanted here.

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